171 Town Center Drive, Anniston, AL 36205


Schedule Your Private Consultation


Despite good health and a reasonable level of fitness, some people may still have a body with disproportionate contours due to localized fat deposits. These areas may be due to family traits rather than a lack of weight control or fitness.

Liposuction slims and reshapes specific areas of the body by removing excess fat deposits, improving your body contours and proportion, and ultimately enhancing your self-image.

These techniques may be used to reduce localized fat deposits of the:

  • Thighs
  • Hips and buttocks
  • Abdomen and waist
  • Upper arms
  • Back
  • Inner knee
  • Chest area
  • Cheeks, chin and neck
  • Calves and ankles

Procedural techniques: There are three common variations to the procedure:

  • Traditional liposuction is surgical suctioning of excess fat deposits
  • The tumescent or super-wet technique requires an infusion of saline solution with adrenaline and possibly anesthetic prior to removal of excess fat
  • Ultrasound-assisted lipoplasty uses ultrasonic energy to liquefy excess fat prior to surgical suctioning

Your results: Swelling should subside, bruising should fade and initial results may appear in 2-4 weeks. Final results could appear in 2-6 months. Significant weight gain can cause recurrence of fatty deposits.

Are you ready to change your life? contact us